The DAA is satisfied with the outcome of today’s discussions at the LRC

June 27, 2008

The DAA is satisfied with the outcome of today’s discussions at the LRC.   The agreement reached means staff concerns over pensions will be addressed within an agreed framework over the next three months.   It also removes the threat of disruption for passengers travelling through DAA airports.

The company is also pleased to note that other issues under discussion will be addressed by all parties concerned within an agreed framework over the next six months.

LRC statement below:

Statement from the LRC in Relation to DAA Pension Discussions

The Commission has met with both parties today to explore the issues under discussion before them.  It is clear to the Commission that both parties are both committed to addressing concerns on the pension side and are also committed to dealing in a normal way with any issues either side may wish to raise of an operational or cost related nature.  The Commission has proposed that the parties deal with the issues before them in a framework which offers the optimum opportunity for agreement to be found and commit to the conclusion of the discussions in a reasonable timeframe.

Specifically the Commission proposes that:

1. Within a three month time frame the parties complete engagement with the assistance of the Commission if necessary on all issues giving rise to concern on the pension side.

The company will come forward with proposals in this regard as soon as possible taking account of the exclusion of non pension issues from pension discussions.

2. Separate to the above the parties agree to engage in a spirit of partnership to explore ideas around new arrangements for the resolution of issues which might arise between them into the future.  The parties commit to full exploration of this area within a three month timeframe.

3. The company has indicated separately that it wishes to engage with the union side on a range of issues associated with various aspects of the operation and the union side is committed to constructive dialogue on these matters through normal procedures.  The parties commit to completion of any engagements on these matters within a six month time frame.  The Commission will support the parties through this dialogue if requested to do so by the parties at the appropriate time.

In putting forward this framework for engagement the commission is clear on the commitment on both sides to engage on these matters through normal procedures utilising all possible avenues for resolution up to an including the Labour Court before considering any alternative course.