A parliamentary question (PQ) is a question raised by a member of the Oireachtas (National Parliament) for oral or written answer in the Dáil (House of Representatives) or Seanad (Senate). A parliamentary question can relate to a policy issue, service-related issues, individual personal matters or general matters of public interest.

As a commercial semi-state business, daa is committed to transparency and will publish responses to parliamentary questions from members of the Oireachtas on this page


PQ 18 Dep Matt Shanahan

PQ 25 Dep Daren O’Rourke

PQ 39 Dep Alan Farrell

PQ 40 Dep Alan Farrell

PQ 40 Dep Pauline Tully

PQ 41 Dep Alan Farrell

PQ 41 Dep Pauline Tully

PQ 43 Dep Pauline Tully

PQ 60 Dep Denis Naughten

PQ 67 Dep Pauline Tully

PQ 87 Dep Ged Nash

PQ 89 Dep Neasa Hourigan

PQ 90 Dep Duncan Smith

PQ 105 Dep Paul Donnelly

PQ 107 Dep Paul Donnelly

PQ 116 Dep Duncan Smith

PQ 117 Dep Carol Nolan

PQ 120 Dep Claire Kerrane

PQ 121 Dep Claire Kerrane

PQ 126 Dep Brid Smith

PQ 128 Dep Matt Carthy

PQ 128 Fergus O’Dowd

PQ 132 Dep Paul Donnelly

PQ 135 Dep Duncan Smith

PQ 146 Dep Catherine Murphy

PQ 146 Dep Bernard J.Durkan

PQ 147 Dep Bernard J.Durkan

PQ 158 Dep Alan Farrell

PQ 159 Dep Alan Farrell

PQ 161 Dep Darren O’Rourke

PQ 166 Dep Matt Shanahan

PQ 167 Dep Duncan Smith

PQ 179 Dep Matt Carthy

PQ 183 Dep Catherine Murphy

PQ 184 Dep Bernard Durkan

PQ 184 Dep Catherine Murphy

PQ 186 Dep Patrick Costello

PQ 187 Dep Bernard Durkan

PQ 187 Dep Catherine Murphy

PQ 191 Dep Bernard Durcan

PQ 192 Dep Bernard Durkan

PQ 193 Dep Bernard Durkan

PQ 199 Dep Bernard Durkan

PQ 200 Dep Bernard Durkan

PQ 201 Dep Bernard Durkan

PQ 219 Dep Ged Nash

PQ 236 Dep Paul Donnelly

PQ278 Dep Jennifer Whitmore